Classes | External Control > HID

HIDCollection : Object

A class describing a group of elements of an HID device


An HIDCollection defines a group of controls on a low level of the HID device, i.e. the device reports these groups. The main use to access it is to retrieve information about what kind of function the HID device performs, e.g. a GamePad, a Joystick or a Mouse.

This class is populated with information read from the device, and represents some of the internal information of the device.

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

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Instance Methods


Post a human readable description of the collection to the post window.


Retrieve the usage index of this collection.


a Number - the usage index of this collection


Retrieve the usage page index of this collection.


a Number- the usage page index


Retrieve the usage name of this collection. The name is looked up from the standardized HID usage tables using the usage page index.


a String - the usage name


Retrieve the page name of this collection. The name is looked up from the standardized HID usage tables using the usage page index.


a String - the usage page name


The type of collection.


a number describing the type of collection.


.device = value

Get the device to which this collection belongs.

NOTE: do not set this as a user!


an instance of HID


Index of this collection


a Number


Index of the parent of this collection.


a Number


Number of elements in this collection


a Number


The first element that is part of this collection.


a Number - an index indicating the first element


Number of (child) collections in this collection


a Number


The first collection that is part of this collection.


a Number - an index indicating the first collection

Inherited instance methods

260 methods from Object ► show