Classes | UGens > InOut

SharedOut : AbstractOut : UGen : AbstractFunction : Object

Write to a shared control bus.


WARNING: SharedIn has been deprecated. Synchronous access to busses on local servers is possible via Bus: -getSynchronous and Bus: -setSynchronous

Reads from a control bus shared between the internal server and the SC client. Control rate only. Reading from a shared control bus on the client is synchronous. When not using the internal server use the get method of Bus (or /c_get in messaging style) or SendTrig with an OSCFunc.

Class Methods, channelsArray)



The index of the shared control bus to write to.


An Array of channels or single output to write out. You cannot change the size of this once a SynthDef has been built.

Inherited class methods

2 methods from AbstractOut ► show
7 methods from UGen ► show
7 methods from Object ► show

Undocumented class methods


Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

4 methods from AbstractOut ► show
92 methods from UGen ► show
159 methods from AbstractFunction ► show
260 methods from Object ► show

Undocumented instance methods

