Classes | Control | Server > Nodes

DebugNodeWatcher : BasicNodeWatcher : AbstractNodeWatcher : Object

watches a server address for debug-related messages


Posts when these messages are received from the server: n_go n_end n_off n_on

For debugging, it can be useful to see every node start and end. It doesn't require registration, reacts to each message.

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

7 methods from Object ► show

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

6 methods from BasicNodeWatcher ► show
260 methods from Object ► show

Undocumented instance methods


.doPost(action, nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_end(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_go(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_off(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_on(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)
