Classes | HelpSystem | GUI > Interfaces


Browse the SuperCollider help documentation


HelpBrowser is a GUI help browser that lets you browse the documentation of SuperCollider. It is coupled with SCDoc to allow on-the-fly rendering of HTML help files.

There are two different help browsers in SuperCollider: the help browser built into SCIDE, and this HelpBrowser class implemented with sclang's GUI features. Both are implemented with the same underlying Qt WebEngine browser.

Since the Qt WebEngine dependency is hefty and difficult to install on some systems, it is possible for sclang to have been built without WebView support (using the CMake flag -DSC_USE_QTWEBENGINE=OFF at compile). If so, attempting to invoke this class will throw an error.

Class Methods


The singleton HelpBrowser instance.


Create a new HelpBrowser instance with given home URL.


Get or set the default home URL.


Get or set the default for "open in new windows" toggle.


Go to url with singleton instance or a new window, depending on the openNewWindows setting.


Open the relevant help page for given text in the singleton HelpBrowser instance.


Open the help search page with given text in the singleton HelpBrowser instance.


Open the category browser page in the singleton HelpBrowser instance.



An optional String to start at specified category, like "UGens>Filters"


Open help for specified method.



a Method

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods


Get or set the home URL.


The GUI window for this HelpBrowser.


Mainly useful for when you need to show the browser:


Go to specific URL. If the URL points to a file under SCDoc: *helpTargetDir it will be rendered on demand if needed.


Go to the home URL.


Go back.


Go forward.

Inherited instance methods