Splay spreads an array of channels across the stereo field. Optional arguments are spread and center, and equal power levelCompensation. The formula for the stereo position is ((0 .. (n - 1)) * (2 / (n - 1)) - 1) * spread + center
inArray |
The array of channels to be distributed over the two stereo pairs |
spread |
For spread = 0, all channels end up in the centre, for 1, they have maximum distribution |
level |
An amplitude multiplier for all channels |
center |
Shift the centre of the distribution. |
levelComp |
In analogy to Mix:arFill, this method takes a function that produces the channels. The counting index is passed to it.
n |
Number of channels |
function |
Function to return each channel |
spread |
For spread = 0, all channels end up in the centre, for 1, they have maximum distribution |
level |
An amplitude multiplier for all channels |
center |
Shift the centre of the distribution. |
levelComp |
x = { arg spread=1, level=0.2, center=0.0;
SinOsc.ar( { |i| LFNoise2.kr(1).exprange(200, 4000) } ! 10),
x.set(\spread, 1, \center, 0); // full stereo
x.set(\spread, 0.5, \center, 0); // less wide
x.set(\spread, 0, \center, 0); // mono center
x.set(\spread, 0.5, \center, 0.5);
// spread from center to right
x.set(\spread, 0, \center, -1); // all left
x.set(\spread, 1, \center, 0); // full stereo
// the a similar example written with arFill:
x = { arg spread=1, level=0.2, center=0.0;
{ |i| SinOsc.ar( LFNoise2.kr( rrand(10, 20), 200, i + 3 * 100)) },
// with mouse control
x = { var src;
src = SinOsc.ar( { |i| LFNoise2.kr( rrand(10, 20), 200, i + 3 * 100) } ! 10);
Splay.ar(src, MouseY.kr(1, 0), 0.2, MouseX.kr(-1, 1));