Classes | GUI


Top-level controls for Qt GUI


QtGUI provides top-level control for the Qt GUI bindings and some platform-level functionality.

Class Methods


Returns an array of all available styles on this platform. For use with -style.


Gets the current position of the cursor as a Point.


Gets or sets the verbosity level for debug output from "QtCollider" code. SuperCollider must have been built in debug mode for messages to appear. Valid values are -1 (none), 0 (warnings only, default), 1 (most messages), and 2 (verbose). Values outside this range are effectively clipped.


Gets the currently focused view.


Gets or sets the QPalette used for GUI display.


Gets the selected text in the currently focused view. If there is no such string then return empty string.

Internally, first calls selectedText if that method is available; otherwise, calls selectedString if that method is available. Otherwise, returns empty string.


Returns a Rect representing the size of the smallest rectangle that could contain a given string rendered with the given font.



A String to render.


An instance of Font.


Gets or sets the current GUI style. The given style must be a String or Symbol that names one of the styles returned by -availableStyles.

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods