- Pattern Guide 01: Introduction
- A Practical Guide to Patterns
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 1
- Streams & Routines
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 2
- Patterns Introduction
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 3
- ListPatterns
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 4
- Environment & Event
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 5
- Event.default
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 6
- Parallel Patterns
- Understanding Streams, Patterns and Events - Part 7
- Practical Considerations
- Pattern
- Pattern class helpfile
- ListPattern - abstract class that holds a list
- Pdfsm - deterministic finite state machine
- Pfpar - (Undocumented class)
- Pfsm - Finite State Machine
- Ppar - embed event streams in parallel
- Pgpar - embed event streams in parallel and put each in its own group
- Pgtpar - embed event streams in parallel and put each in its own group, with time offset
- Ptpar - embed event streams in parallel, with time offset
- Prand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
- Pseq - sequentially embed values in a list
- Place - interlaced embedding of subarrays
- Ppatlace - interlace streams
- Pser - sequentially embed values in a list
- Pshuf - sequentially embed values in a list in constant, but random order
- Pslide - slide over a list of values and embed them
- Ptuple - combine a list of streams to a stream of lists
- Pwalk - A one-dimensional random walk over a list of values that are embedded
- Pwrand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
- Pxrand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
- FilterPattern - abstract class that holds a pattern to be modified
- FuncFilterPattern - Abstract class that filters a pattern using a function
- Pcollect - Apply a function to a pattern
- Pfset - Insert an environment into the event prototype before evaluating the supplied pattern
- Preject - Filters a source pattern by rejecting particular values.
- Pselect - Filters values returned by a source pattern.
- Pwhile - While a condition holds, repeatedly embed stream
- PAbstractGroup - (Undocumented class)
- Pgroup - Starts a new Group and plays the pattern in this group
- PparGroup - Starts a new ParGroup and plays the pattern in this group
- Pavaroh - applying ascending and descending scales to event stream
- Pbindf - bind several value patterns to one existing event stream by binding keys to values
- Pbus - isolate a pattern by restricting it to a bus
- Pclump - A pattern that takes another pattern and groups its values into arrays.
- Pclutch - sample and hold a pattern
- Pconst - constrain the sum of a value pattern
- Pdiff - returns the difference between the current and previous values of an enclosed pattern
- Pdrop - skips (drops) the first n events from a pattern
- Pdup - repeat input stream values
- PdurStutter - partition a value into n equal subdivisions
- Psubdivide - partition a value into n equal subdivisions
- PfadeIn - Fade an event pattern in
- Pfin - limit number of events embedded in a stream
- Pfinval - limit number of items embedded in a stream
- PfinQuant - (Undocumented class)
- Pfindur - limit total duration of events embedded in a stream
- Pfx - add an effect synth to the synths of a given event stream
- Pfxb - add an effect synth to the synths of a given event stream
- Plag - (Undocumented class)
- Plambda - create a scope (namespace) for enclosed streams
- Pn - repeatedly embed a pattern
- Pgate - A gated stream that only advances when a particular event key is true.
- Pplayer - (Undocumented class)
- Pprotect - evaluate a function when an error occured in the thread
- Prewrite - L-system pattern for selfsimilar structures
- Prorate - divide stream proportionally
- Pseed - set the random seed in subpattern
- Pset - event pattern that sets values of one key
- Padd - add to value of a key in event stream
- Pmul - multiply with value of a key in event stream
- Psetp - event pattern that sets values of one key
- Paddp - add each value of a pattern to the value at a key in event stream
- Pmulp - multiply with each value of a pattern to value of a key in event stream
- Psetpre - set values of one key in an event before it is passed up
- Paddpre - event pattern that adds to existing value of one key
- Pmulpre - multiplies with value of a key in event stream, before it is passed up
- Pspawn - Spawns sub-patterns based on parameters in an event pattern
- Pstretch - (Undocumented class)
- Pstutter - repeat input stream values
- Psym - use a pattern of symbols to embed Pdefs
- Pnsym - use a pattern of symbols to embed Pdefns
- Psym1 - (Undocumented class)
- Ptsym - (Undocumented class)
- Psync - synchronise and limit pattern duration
- Ptrace - Print out the results of a stream
- Pwrap - constrain the range of output values by wrapping