- Object - abstract superclass of all objects
- AbstractDispatcher - Dispatches incoming messages to Functions
- AbstractFunction - An object which responds to a set of messages that represent mathematical functions
- AbstractOpPlug - (Undocumented class)
- BinaryOpFunction - represent a binary operation on a function
- BusPlug - a listener on a bus
- Function - Implements a function
- FunctionList - A function that composes multiple functions into one
- NAryOpFunction - represent a n-ary operation on a function
- Operand - Idempotent wrapper around math operations
- Rest - Represents a rest in event patterns
- Pattern - abstract class that holds a list
- FilterPattern - abstract class that holds a pattern to be modified
- FuncFilterPattern - Abstract class that filters a pattern using a function
- Pcollect - Apply a function to a pattern
- Pfset - Insert an environment into the event prototype before evaluating the supplied pattern
- Preject - Filters a source pattern by rejecting particular values.
- Pselect - Filters values returned by a source pattern.
- Pwhile - While a condition holds, repeatedly embed stream
- PAbstractGroup - (Undocumented class)
- Pgroup - Starts a new Group and plays the pattern in this group
- PparGroup - Starts a new ParGroup and plays the pattern in this group
- Pavaroh - applying ascending and descending scales to event stream
- Pbindf - bind several value patterns to one existing event stream by binding keys to values
- Pbus - isolate a pattern by restricting it to a bus
- Pclump - A pattern that takes another pattern and groups its values into arrays.
- Pclutch - sample and hold a pattern
- Pconst - constrain the sum of a value pattern
- Pdiff - returns the difference between the current and previous values of an enclosed pattern
- Pdrop - skips (drops) the first n events from a pattern
- Pdup - repeat input stream values
- PdurStutter - partition a value into n equal subdivisions
- Psubdivide - partition a value into n equal subdivisions
- PfadeIn - Fade an event pattern in
- Pfin - limit number of events embedded in a stream
- Pfinval - limit number of items embedded in a stream
- PfinQuant - (Undocumented class)
- Pfindur - limit total duration of events embedded in a stream
- Pfx - add an effect synth to the synths of a given event stream
- Pfxb - add an effect synth to the synths of a given event stream
- Plag - (Undocumented class)
- Plambda - create a scope (namespace) for enclosed streams
- Pn - repeatedly embed a pattern
- Pgate - A gated stream that only advances when a particular event key is true.
- Pplayer - (Undocumented class)
- Pprotect - evaluate a function when an error occured in the thread
- Prewrite - L-system pattern for selfsimilar structures
- Prorate - divide stream proportionally
- Pseed - set the random seed in subpattern
- Pset - event pattern that sets values of one key
- Padd - add to value of a key in event stream
- Pmul - multiply with value of a key in event stream
- Psetp - event pattern that sets values of one key
- Paddp - add each value of a pattern to the value at a key in event stream
- Pmulp - multiply with each value of a pattern to value of a key in event stream
- Psetpre - set values of one key in an event before it is passed up
- Paddpre - event pattern that adds to existing value of one key
- Pmulpre - multiplies with value of a key in event stream, before it is passed up
- Pspawn - Spawns sub-patterns based on parameters in an event pattern
- Pstretch - (Undocumented class)
- Pstutter - repeat input stream values
- Psym - use a pattern of symbols to embed Pdefs
- Pnsym - use a pattern of symbols to embed Pdefns
- Psym1 - (Undocumented class)
- Ptsym - (Undocumented class)
- Psync - synchronise and limit pattern duration
- Ptrace - Print out the results of a stream
- Pwrap - constrain the range of output values by wrapping
- ListPattern - abstract class that holds a list
- Pdfsm - deterministic finite state machine
- Pfpar - (Undocumented class)
- Pfsm - Finite State Machine
- Ppar - embed event streams in parallel
- Pgpar - embed event streams in parallel and put each in its own group
- Pgtpar - embed event streams in parallel and put each in its own group, with time offset
- Ptpar - embed event streams in parallel, with time offset
- Prand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
- Pseq - sequentially embed values in a list
- Place - interlaced embedding of subarrays
- Ppatlace - interlace streams
- Pser - sequentially embed values in a list
- Pshuf - sequentially embed values in a list in constant, but random order
- Pslide - slide over a list of values and embed them
- Ptuple - combine a list of streams to a stream of lists
- Pwalk - A one-dimensional random walk over a list of values that are embedded
- Pwrand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
- Pxrand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
- PatternProxy - stream reference
- Pdefn - non event stream reference definition
- TaskProxy - event stream reference
- EventPatternProxy - event stream reference
- Pdef - stream reference definition
- Pbindef - incremental event pattern reference definition
- Tdef - task reference definition
- Pbeta - random values that follow a Eulerian Beta Distribution
- Pbind - combine several value patterns to one event stream by binding keys to values
- PbindProxy - incremental event pattern reference
- Pbinop - binary operator pattern
- Pbrown - brownian motion pattern
- Pgbrown - geometric brownian motion pattern
- Pcauchy - random values that follow a Cauchy Distribution
- Pchain - pass values from stream to stream
- Pdict - pattern that embeds patterns from a dictionary
- Penvir - use an environment when embedding the pattern in a stream
- Pevent - Provide an inval for an event stream.
- Peventmod - (Undocumented class)
- Pfunc - Function pattern
- Pfuncn - Function pattern of given length
- Pgauss - random values that follow a Gaussian Distribution
- Pgeom - geometric series pattern
- Pget - Retrieve a value within the scope (namespace) of a Plambda
- Pif - Pattern-based conditional expression
- Pindex - pattern that indexes into an array
- Pkey - access a key in an event stream
- Plazy - instantiate new patterns from a function
- PlazyEnvir - instantiate new patterns from a function
- PlazyEnvirN - instantiate new patterns from a function and multichannel expand them
- Plet - Define a value within the scope (namespace) of a Plambda
- Pmono - monophonic event stream
- Pnaryop - n-ary operator pattern
- Ppatmod - modify a given pattern before passing it into the stream
- Ppoisson - random values that follow a Poisson Distribution (positive integer values)
- Pprob - random values with arbitrary probability distribution
- Pproto - provide a proto event for an event stream
- Prout - routine pattern
- Pspawner - dynamic control of multiple event streams from a Routine
- Pseries - arithmetic series pattern
- Pstep - timed, sample-and-hold embedding of values
- Pseg - timed embedding of values
- Pstep2add - (Undocumented class)
- Pstep3add - (Undocumented class)
- PstepNfunc - combinatoric pattern
- PstepNadd - pattern that returns combinatoric sums
- Pswitch - embed values in a list according to a pattern of indices
- Pswitch1 - embed values in a list according to a pattern of indices
- Ptime - returns time in beats from moment of embedding in stream
- Punop - unary operator pattern
- Pwhite - random values with uniform distribution
- Pexprand - random values that follow a Exponential Distribution
- Phprand - random values that tend toward hi
- Plprand - random values that tend toward lo
- Pmeanrand - random values that tend toward ((lo + hi) / 2)
- Spawner - A Spawner
- Ref - a reference to a value
- Maybe - referentially transparent proxy object
- Fdef - lazy function proxy
- RefCopy - a reference to the copy of a value
- Stream - Stream is the base class for classes that define streams
- Thunk - unevaluated value
- UGen - Abstract superclass of all unit generators
- AbstractOut - Abstract class for out ugens
- BelaScopeOut - Bela's Oscilloscope interface
- LocalOut - Write to buses local to a synth.
- Out - Write a signal to a bus.
- OffsetOut - Write a signal to a bus with sample accurate timing.
- ReplaceOut - Send signal to a bus, overwriting previous contents.
- SharedOut - Write to a shared control bus.
- XOut - Send signal to a bus, crossfading with previous contents.
- Amplitude - Amplitude follower
- AnalogIn - Read data from an analog input
- AnalogOut - Write data to an analog output
- Ball - physical model of bouncing object
- BasicOpUGen - Common superclass to operations on UGen
- BinaryOpUGen - Apply a binary operation to the values of an input UGen
- UnaryOpUGen - Apply a unary operation to the values of an input ugen
- Blip - Band limited impulse oscillator.
- BufCombN - Buffer based comb delay line with no interpolation.
- BufAllpassC - Buffer based all pass delay line with cubic interpolation.
- BufAllpassL - Buffer based all pass delay line with linear interpolation.
- BufAllpassN - Buffer based all pass delay line with no interpolation.
- BufCombC - Buffer based comb delay line with cubic interpolation.
- BufCombL - Buffer based comb delay line with linear interpolation.
- BufDelayN - Buffer based simple delay line with no interpolation.
- BufDelayC - Buffer based simple delay line with cubic interpolation.
- BufDelayL - Buffer based simple delay line with linear interpolation.
- BufInfoUGenBase - Base class for buffer info ugens
- BufChannels - Current number of channels of soundfile in buffer.
- BufDur - Current duration of soundfile in buffer.
- BufFrames - Current number of frames allocated in the buffer.
- BufRateScale - Buffer rate scaling in respect to server samplerate.
- BufSampleRate - Buffer sample rate.
- BufSamples - Current number of samples in buffer.
- BufWr - Buffer writing oscillator.
- ChaosGen - UGens that cause chaos
- CuspN - Cusp map chaotic generator
- CuspL - Cusp map chaotic generator
- FBSineN - Feedback sine with chaotic phase indexing
- FBSineC - Feedback sine with chaotic phase indexing
- FBSineL - Feedback sine with chaotic phase indexing
- GbmanN - Gingerbreadman map chaotic generator
- GbmanL - Gingerbreadman map chaotic generator
- HenonN - Henon map chaotic generator
- HenonC - Henon map chaotic generator
- HenonL - Henon map chaotic generator
- LatoocarfianN - Latoocarfian chaotic generator
- LinCongN - Linear congruential chaotic generator
- LinCongC - Linear congruential chaotic generator
- LinCongL - Linear congruential chaotic generator
- LorenzL - Lorenz chaotic generator
- QuadN - General quadratic map chaotic generator
- QuadC - General quadratic map chaotic generator
- QuadL - General quadratic map chaotic generator
- StandardN - Standard map chaotic generator
- CheckBadValues - Test for infinity, not-a-number, and denormals
- CoinGate - Statistical gate.
- Compander - Compressor, expander, limiter, gate, ducker
- CompanderD - Compressor, expander, limiter, gate, ducker.
- Convolution - Real-time convolver.
- Convolution2 - Real-time fixed kernel convolver.
- Convolution2L - Real-time convolver with linear interpolation
- Convolution3 - Time based convolver.
- Crackle - Chaotic noise function.
- DUGen - (Undocumented class)
- Dbrown - Demand rate brownian movement generator.
- Dibrown - Demand rate brownian movement generator.
- Dbufrd - Buffer read demand ugen
- Dbufwr - Buffer write demand ugen
- Dconst - Constrain a demand-rate stream to a given sum
- Ddup - Demand rate input replicator
- Dgeom - Demand rate geometric series UGen.
- Dpoll - Print the current output value of a demand rate UGen
- Dreset - demand rate reset
- Dseries - Demand rate arithmetic series UGen.
- Dstutter - Demand rate input replicator
- Dswitch1 - Demand rate generator for switching between inputs.
- Dswitch - Demand rate generator for embedding different inputs
- Dwhite - Demand rate white noise random generator.
- Diwhite - Demand rate white noise random generator.
- Dwrand - Demand rate weighted random sequence generator
- ListDUGen - (Undocumented class)
- Drand - Demand rate random sequence generator.
- Dseq - Demand rate sequence generator.
- Dser - Demand rate sequence generator.
- Dshuf - Demand rate random sequence generator
- Dxrand - Demand rate random sequence generator.
- DelTapRd - Tap a delay line from a DelTapWr UGen
- DelTapWr - Write to a buffer for a DelTapRd UGen
- DemandEnvGen - Demand rate envelope generator
- DigitalIO - Read or write data to a digital pin
- DigitalIn - Read data from a digital input
- DigitalOut - Write data to a digital output
- DiskOut - Record to a soundfile to disk.
- Done - Monitors another UGen to see when it is finished
- Dunique - Return the same unique series of values for several demand streams
- Dust - Random impulses.
- Dust2 - Random impulses.
- Duty - Demand results from demand rate UGens.
- TDuty - Demand results as trigger from demand rate UGens.
- DynKlang - Dynamic sine oscillator bank
- DynKlank - Bank of resonators.
- EnvGen - Envelope generator
- ExpRand - Exponential single random number generator.
- FSinOsc - Fast sine oscillator.
- Free - When triggered, frees a node.
- FreeSelf - When triggered, free enclosing synth.
- FreeSelfWhenDone - Free the enclosing synth when a UGen is finished
- FreqShift - Frequency Shifter.
- Gendy1 - Dynamic stochastic synthesis generator.
- Gendy2 - Dynamic stochastic synthesis generator.
- Gendy3 - Dynamic stochastic synthesis generator.
- Hasher - Scrambled value with a hash function.
- HilbertFIR - Applies the Hilbert transform to an input signal.
- IEnvGen - Envelope generator for polling values from an Env
- IRand - Single integer random number generator.
- InBus - Return a range of channels from a bus, irrespective of node order
- InRange - Tests if a signal is within a given range.
- Clip - Clip a signal outside given thresholds.
- Fold - Fold a signal outside given thresholds.
- Schmidt - Schmidt trigger.
- Wrap - Wrap a signal outside given thresholds.
- InRect - Test if a point is within a given rectangle.
- InfoUGenBase - Base class for info ugens
- KeyState - Respond to the state of a key
- KeyTrack - Key tracker
- Klang - Sine oscillator bank
- Klank - Bank of resonators
- LFGauss - Gaussian function oscillator
- LFNoise0 - Step noise
- LastValue - Output the last value before the input changed
- Latch - Sample and hold
- LinRand - Skewed random number generator.
- LinXFade2 - Two channel linear crossfade.
- Line - Line generator.
- Linen - Simple linear envelope generator.
- Logistic - Chaotic noise function
- Loudness - Extraction of instantaneous loudness in sones
- MantissaMask - Reduce precision.
- MaxLocalBufs - Set the maximum number of local buffers in a synth
- ModDif - Minimum difference of two values in modulo arithmetics
- MostChange - Output most changed.
- MouseButton - Mouse button UGen.
- MouseX - Cursor tracking UGen.
- MouseY - Cursor tracking UGen.
- MulAdd - Multiply and add to a signal
- MultiOutUGen - Superclass for all UGens with multiple outputs
- AbstractIn - Abstract class for in ugens
- In - Read a signal from a bus.
- InFeedback - Read signal from a bus with a current or one cycle old timestamp.
- InTrig - Generate a trigger anytime a bus is set.
- LagIn - Read a control signal from a bus with a lag
- LocalIn - Define and read from buses local to a synth.
- SharedIn - Read from a shared control bus.
- AudioControl - (Undocumented class)
- Balance2 - Stereo signal balancer
- BeatTrack - Autocorrelation beat tracker
- BeatTrack2 - Template matching beat tracker
- BiPanB2 - 2D Ambisonic B-format panner.
- BufRd - Buffer reading oscillator.
- Control - Bring signals and floats into the ugenGraph function of a SynthDef.
- DecodeB2 - 2D Ambisonic B-format decoder.
- Demand - Demand results from demand rate UGens.
- DiskIn - Stream in audio from a file.
- FreeVerb2 - A two-channel reverb
- GVerb - A two-channel reverb
- GrainBuf - Granular synthesis with sound stored in a buffer
- GrainFM - Granular synthesis with frequency modulated sine tones
- GrainIn - Granulate an input signal
- GrainSin - Granular synthesis with sine tones
- Hilbert - Applies the Hilbert transform to an input signal.
- MFCC - Mel frequency cepstral coefficients
- Pan2 - Two channel equal power pan.
- Pan4 - Four channel equal power pan.
- PanAz - Azimuth panner
- PanB - Ambisonic B-format panner.
- PanB2 - 2D Ambisonic B-format panner.
- Pitch - Autocorrelation pitch follower
- PlayBuf - Sample playback oscillator.
- PureMultiOutUGen - (Undocumented class)
- DC - Create a constant amplitude signal
- Rotate2 - Rotate a sound field.
- StereoConvolution2L - Stereo real-time convolver with linear interpolation
- TGrains - Buffer granulator.
- UnpackFFT - Unpack an FFT chain into separate demand-rate FFT bin streams
- VDiskIn - Stream in audio from a file, with variable rate
- Warp1 - Warp a buffer with a time pointer
- MultiplexAnalogIn - Read data from an analog input of the Bela board
- NRand - Sum of uniform distributions.
- Normalizer - Flattens dynamics.
- Onsets - Onset detector
- OutputProxy - Place holder for multiple outputs
- PSinGrain - Very fast sine grain with a parabolic envelope
- PartConv - Real-time partitioned convolution
- Pause - When triggered, pauses a node.
- PauseSelf - When triggered, pause enclosing synth.
- PauseSelfWhenDone - FIXME: PauseSelfWhenDone purpose.
- Peak - Track peak signal amplitude.
- PeakFollower - Track peak signal amplitude.
- Phasor - A resettable linear ramp between two levels.
- PitchShift - Time domain pitch shifter.
- Pluck - A Karplus-Strong UGen
- Poll - Print the current output value of a UGen
- Pulse - Band limited pulse wave.
- PulseCount - Pulse counter.
- PulseDivider - Pulse divider.
- PureUGen - Pure UGen
- A2K - Audio to control rate converter.
- T2K - Audio rate trigger to control rate trigger converter
- AmpComp - Basic psychoacoustic amplitude compensation.
- AmpCompA - Basic psychoacoustic amplitude compensation (ANSI A-weighting curve).
- COsc - Chorusing wavetable oscillator.
- CombN - Comb delay line with no interpolation.
- AllpassC - Schroeder allpass delay line with cubic interpolation.
- AllpassL - Schroeder allpass delay line with linear interpolation.
- AllpassN - Schroeder allpass delay line with no interpolation.
- CombC - Comb delay line with cubic interpolation.
- CombL - Comb delay line with linear interpolation.
- DegreeToKey - Convert signal to modal pitch.
- Delay1 - Single sample delay.
- DelayN - Simple delay line with no interpolation.
- DelayC - Simple delay line with cubic interpolation.
- DelayL - Simple delay line with linear interpolation.
- Filter - Base class for filter UGens
- BEQSuite - Base class for B Equalization Suite
- BPF - 2nd order Butterworth bandpass filter.
- BRF - 2nd order Butterworth band reject filter.
- Changed - Triggers when a value changes
- Decay - Exponential decay
- Decay2 - Exponential decay
- DetectSilence - Detect when input falls below an amplitude threshold
- FOS - First order filter section.
- Formlet - FOF-like filter.
- FreeVerb - A reverb
- Integrator - A leaky integrator.
- LPF - 2nd order Butterworth lowpass filter
- HPF - 2nd order Butterworth highpass filter.
- LPZ1 - Two point average filter
- HPZ1 - Two point difference filter
- LPZ2 - Two zero fixed lowpass
- BPZ2 - Two zero fixed midpass.
- BRZ2 - Two zero fixed midcut.
- HPZ2 - Two zero fixed midcut.
- Lag - Exponential lag
- Lag2 - Exponential lag
- Lag3 - Exponential lag
- Ramp - Break a continuous signal into line segments
- LagUD - Exponential lag
- LeakDC - Remove DC
- Median - Median filter.
- MidEQ - Parametric filter.
- MoogFF - Moog VCF implementation, designed by Federico Fontana
- OnePole - One pole filter.
- RLPF - A resonant low pass filter.
- RHPF - A resonant high pass filter.
- Resonz - Resonant filter.
- Ringz - Ringing filter.
- SOS - Second order filter section (biquad).
- Slew - Slew rate limiter.
- Slope - Slope of signal
- TwoPole - Two pole filter.
- APF - FIXME: APF purpose.
- TwoZero - Two zero filter.
- VarLag - Variable shaped lag
- Formant - Formant oscillator
- Impulse - Impulse oscillator.
- Index - Index into a table with a signal
- DetectIndex - Search a buffer for a value
- FoldIndex - Index into a table with a signal.
- IndexInBetween - Finds the (lowest) point in the Buffer at which the input signal lies in-between the two values
- IndexL - Index into a table with a signal, linear interpolated
- Shaper - Wave shaper.
- WrapIndex - Index into a table with a signal.
- K2A - Control to audio rate converter.
- T2A - Control rate trigger to audio rate trigger converter
- LFPulse - pulse oscillator
- LFSaw - Sawtooth oscillator
- LFCub - A sine like shape made of two cubic pieces
- LFPar - Parabolic oscillator
- LFTri - Triangle oscillator
- LinExp - Map a linear range to an exponential range
- Osc - Interpolating wavetable oscillator.
- OscN - Noninterpolating wavetable oscillator.
- Select - Select output from an array of inputs.
- SinOsc - Interpolating sine wavetable oscillator.
- SinOscFB - Feedback FM oscillator
- SyncSaw - Hard sync sawtooth wave.
- VOsc - Variable wavetable oscillator.
- VOsc3 - Three variable wavetable oscillators.
- VarSaw - Variable duty saw
- Vibrato - The Vibrato oscillator models a slow frequency modulation.
- Rand - Single random number generator.
- RecordBuf - Record or overdub into a Buffer.
- RunningSum - Running sum over n frames
- Sanitize - Remove infinity, NaN, and denormals
- Saw - Band limited sawtooth.
- ScopeOut - FIXME: ScopeOut purpose.
- ScopeOut2 - (Undocumented class)
- SendPeakRMS - Track peak and power of a signal for GUI applications.
- SendTrig - Send a trigger message from the server back to the client.
- SendReply - Send an array of values from the server to all notified clients
- SpecCentroid - Spectral centroid
- SpecFlatness - Spectral Flatness measure
- SpecPcile - Find a percentile of FFT magnitude spectrum
- Splay - Splay spreads an array of channels across the stereo field
- SplayAz - Spreads an array of channels across a ring of channels
- Spring - physical model of resonating spring
- Stepper - Pulse counter.
- Sum3 - Sum three signals
- Sum4 - Sum four signals
- Sweep - Triggered linear ramp
- TBall - physical model of bouncing object
- TExpRand - Triggered exponential random number generator.
- TIRand - Triggered integer random number generator.
- TRand - Triggered random number generator.
- TWindex - Triggered windex.
- Tap - Single tap into a delay line
- Timer - Returns time since last triggered.
- ToggleFF - Toggle flip flop.
- Trig1 - Timed trigger.
- Unpack1FFT - Unpack a single value (magnitude or phase) from an FFT chain
- WhiteNoise - White noise.
- WidthFirstUGen - (Undocumented class)
- ClearBuf - (Undocumented class)
- IFFT - Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
- LocalBuf - Allocate a buffer local to the synth
- PV_ChainUGen - Base class for UGens that operate on FFT chains
- RandID - Set the synth's random generator ID.
- RandSeed - Sets the synth's random generator seed.
- SetBuf - (Undocumented class)
- XFade2 - Equal power two channel cross fade.
- XLine - Exponential line generator.
- ZeroCrossing - Zero crossing frequency follower
- UnaryOpFunction - represent a unary operation on a function
- AbstractMDPlugin - (Undocumented class)
- AbstractMessageMatcher - Matches incoming messages to Functions
- AbstractNodeWatcher - (Undocumented class)
- AbstractPlayControl - (Undocumented class)
- AbstractResponderFunc - Abstract superclass of responder func objects
- HIDFunc - Fast responder for incoming data from human input devices (HID)
- HIDdef - HID response reference definition
- MIDIFunc - Fast Responder for incoming MIDI Messages
- MIDIdef - MIDI response reference definition
- OSCFunc - Fast Responder for incoming Open Sound Control Messages
- OSCdef - OSC response reference definition
- AbstractSystemAction - register actions to be taken for system events
- AbstractServerAction - register actions to be taken for a server
- ServerBoot - register actions to be taken when a server has booted
- ServerQuit - register actions to be taken when a server quits
- ServerTree - register actions to be taken to initialise a basic tree of groups on the server
- CmdPeriod - register objects to be cleared when Cmd-. is pressed
- OnError - register functions to be evaluated when an error occurs
- ShutDown - register functions to be evaluated before system shuts down
- StartUp - register functions to be evaluated after the startup is finished
- BHiPass4 - 24db/oct rolloff - 4th order resonant Hi Pass Filter [1]
- BLowPass4 - 24db/oct rolloff - 4th order resonant Low Pass Filter [1]
- BelaScope - Bela's Oscilloscope interface
- Boolean - abstract class whose instances represent a logical value
- False - false logical value
- True - true logical value
- Buffer - Client-side representation of a buffer on a server
- Bus - Representation of a bus on the server
- Class - A Class describes the structure and implementation of a set objects which are its instances.
- Clock - abstract superclass for clocks
- AppClock - Clock running on main application thread
- SystemClock - Clock running on separate accurately timed thread
- TempoClock - tempo based scheduler
- TempoBusClock - a clock that synchronizes its tempo with the server
- Collection - Abstract superclass of all collections
- Array2D - two-dimensional array
- Bag - Unordered collection of objects
- Interval - range of integers
- MultiLevelIdentityDictionary - tree of dictionaries
- Pair - LISP-like two element cells
- Range - (Undocumented class)
- SequenceableCollection - Abstract superclass of integer indexable collections
- ArrayedCollection - Abstract superclass of Collections of fixed maximum size
- Array - fixed size collection
- RawArray - Abstract superclass for arrays holding raw data values
- DoubleArray - an array of 64-bit double precision floating-point numbers
- FloatArray - an array of 32-bit single precision floating point numbers
- Signal - Sampled audio buffer
- Wavetable - sampled audio buffer in wavetable format
- Int16Array - an array whose indexed slots are all of the same type
- Int32Array - an array whose indexed slots are all of the same type
- Int8Array - an array whose indexed slots are all of the same type
- String - array of Chars
- SymbolArray - an array whose indexed slots are all of the same type
- LinkedList - doubly linked list
- List - list of items of variable size
- SortedList - a Collection whose items are kept in a sorted order.
- Order - an order of elements with a numerical index
- SparseArray - Array that stores duplicated values more efficiently
- RingBuffer - (Undocumented class)
- Set - a set according to equality
- Dictionary - associative collection mapping keys to values
- IdentityDictionary - associative collection mapping keys to values
- Environment - A dictionary which can serve as a 'name space' for functions
- Event - an environment that represents an action
- NodeMap - store control values and bus mappings
- ProxyNodeMap - store control values and bus mappings for NodeProxy
- IdentitySet - a set according to identity
- TwoWayIdentityDictionary - associative collection mapping keys to values and back
- Color - An object which stores color values
- CondVar - Condition variable: block one or more threads until some condition is true
- Condition - Block the execution of a thread
- ContiguousBlock - (Undocumented class)
- ContiguousBlockAllocator - for better handling of dynamic allocation
- ControlName - Object to store control information of SynthDef (used internally)
- Date - an object describing a point in time
- DebugFrame - (Undocumented class)
- Env - Specification for a segmented envelope
- Penv - (Undocumented class)
- EnvGate - singleton fade envelope
- EnvironmentRedirect - base class for environment redirects
- EventStreamCleanup - Helper class that collects information about internal state of streams that needs to be released
- EventTypesWithCleanup - (Undocumented class)
- Exception - root error class
- Error - superclass of all Errors
- Finalizer - (Undocumented class)
- FlowVar - A place holder, which when accessed pauses a thread until the place holder has a value
- Frame - Stack Frame
- FunctionDef - FunctionDefs contain code which can be executed from a Function.
- Method - Code that implements an operation upon instances of a Class.
- Git - git interface
- GraphBuilder - (Undocumented class)
- HID - This class provides access to human input devices, or in short HID, such as joysticks, gamepads, mice, keyboard, and so on.
- HIDCollection - A class describing a group of elements of an HID device
- HIDElement - A class describing an element of an HID device
- HIDElementProto - Prototype HID element to match with HIDFunc
- HIDInfo - This class contains the basic information about an HID device to access and open it.
- HIDProto - Prototype HID device to match with HIDFunc
- HIDUsage - Helper class to read usage information from HID usage tables
- Harmonics - Convenient factory for filling buffers with harmonics on the server
- Help - (Undocumented class)
- History - keeps a history of interpreted lines of code
- IODesc - Description of SynthDesc input or output
- Interpreter - The interpreter defines a context in which interactive commands are compiled and executed.
- LID - Linux Input Device
- LIDAbsInfo - (Undocumented class)
- LIDInfo - Helper class for LID to hold the information about an LID device.
- LIDSlot - Handles incoming LID data.
- LRUNumberAllocator - (Undocumented class)
- LanguageConfig - Access and modify interpreter configuration
- LinLin - Map a linear range to another linear range
- LinkedListNode - Internally used class for LinkedList nodes
- MIDIClient - Basic access to MIDI on your computer
- MIDIEndPoint - (Undocumented class)
- MIDIEvent - (Undocumented class)
- MIDIIn - receive MIDI messages
- MIDIOut - send MIDI messages
- MIDIResponder - Register multiple functions to be evaluated when MIDI events occur
- CCResponder - allow functions to be registered to respond to MIDI control change events
- NoteOnResponder - allow functions to be registered to respond to MIDI noteOn events
- NoteOffResponder - allow functions to be registered to respond to MIDI noteOff events
- ProgramChangeResponder - allow functions to be registered to respond to MIDI program change events
- TouchResponder - allow functions to be registered to respond to MIDI aftertouch events
- BendResponder - allow functions to be registered to respond to MIDI pitchbend events
- Magnitude - Comparable value in a linear continuum
- Message - A message to an object
- MeterSync - Synchronize barlines of SuperCollider LinkClock peers
- MethodOverride - (Undocumented class)
- MethodQuote - (Undocumented class)
- Mix - Sum an array of channels.
- Monitor - link between busses
- MultiTap - Multiple tap delay.
- NamedControl - Named reference to a control
- NetAddr - network address
- Nil - Represents uninitialized data
- Node - Abstract superclass of Synth and Group
- AbstractGroup - (Undocumented class)
- Group - Client-side representation of a group node on the server
- RootNode - The persistent root group on the server
- ParGroup - Client-side representation of a parallel group node on the server
- Synth - Client-side representation of a synth node on the server
- NodeControl - Encapsulates in an object a node and an index.
- NodeIDAllocator - (Undocumented class)
- NotificationCenter - let an object emit notifications
- NotificationRegistration - (Undocumented class)
- NumChannels - Ensures the number of output channels
- OSCBundle - network bundle object
- OSCresponder - client side network responder
- PMOsc - Phase modulation oscillator pair.
- PathName - file and directory path utilities
- PatternConductor - Simple interactive control for playing patterns
- PingPong - Stereo ping-pong delay.
- Platform - handle cross-platform differencies
- Point - Cartesian point
- Post - posts text to the post window
- PowerOfTwoAllocator - (Undocumented class)
- PowerOfTwoBlock - (Undocumented class)
- PrettyState - (Undocumented class)
- PriorityQueue - Priority queue data structure
- Process - Runtime environment for the virtual machine and interpreter.
- Main - The concrete instance of Process
- Quant - encapsulate quantization issues associated with EventStreamPlayer and TempoClock
- Quark - Object for managing a Quark - a package of source code
- Quarks - Package manager
- RawPointer - Hold raw pointers from the host environment
- ReadableNodeIDAllocator - an allocator for nodeIDs with human-readable ownership
- Recorder - Write Audio to Harddisk
- Rect - Rectangle
- RingNumberAllocator - (Undocumented class)
- SCDoc - Help system main class
- SCDocEntry - An SCDoc document index entry
- SCDocHTMLRenderer - Render SCDoc markup text to HTML
- SCDocNode - An SCDoc parsed document node
- Scale - represents a musical scale
- ScaleStream - (Undocumented class)
- Scheduler - schedules functions to be evaluated in the future
- ScopeBuffer - (Undocumented class)
- Score - score of timed OSC commands
- SelectX - Mix one output from many sources
- SelectXFocus - Mix one output from many sources
- Semaphore - control parallel execution of threads
- SerialPort - serial port interface
- Server - Object representing a server application
- ServerOptions - Encapsulates commandline and other options for a Server
- ServerShmInterface - (Undocumented class)
- ServerStatusWatcher - Observes and updates Server status
- Silent - Output silence.
- SimpleController - Controller according to the model-view-controller (M-V-C) paradigm
- Size - (Undocumented class)
- SkipJack - A utility for background tasks that survive cmd-period
- SoundFile - sclang soundfile data
- SoundIn - Read audio from hardware inputs
- Spec - input datatype specification
- SplayZ - Spreads an array of channels across a ring of channels
- StackNumberAllocator - (Undocumented class)
- Symbol - a unique name for something
- SynthDef - Client-side representation of a synth definition
- SynthDesc - Description of a synth definition
- SynthDescLib - SynthDesc library
- SystemSynthDefs - (Undocumented class)
- TChoose - Randomly select one of several inputs
- TWChoose - Randomly select one of several inputs
- TestDependant - (Undocumented class)
- Tuning - represents a musical tuning
- URI - (Undocumented class)
- UniqueID - source for unique numbers
- UnitTest - a class for programmatic testing of classes
- UnitTestResult - (Undocumented class)
- Unix - (Undocumented class)
- Volume - Model for the global volume of the synthesis server
- VolumeGui - (Undocumented class)
- Warp - specification of a shape for a mapping of numerical input
- XIn - Helper class used by InBus.
- XInFeedback - Helper class used by InBus.